Focus on…. What makes a good leader?

Know yourself to lead yourself (Kubicek & Cockram)

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Leaders need to focus not so much on being “in charge”, but focus more on those “in your charge” Simon Sinek (Author and Speaker)

A successful manager must be absolutely tolerant and pay no attention to how a man does his work. The knowledge worker can not be supervised closely or in detail (Drucker)

What Makes a Leader? – Daniel Goleman
According to his research, the most competent leaders all present with a high degree of emotional intelligence.
It basically includes the following five components:
self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and finally, social skill.

Kim Scott (CEO Silicon Valley – google, youtube etc)
Suggests we employ Radical Candor: High Challenge – High Care)
[Candor: the quality of being open and honest; frankness.]

Luke Burgis (in his book Wanting) talks about Transcendent leaders – driven by things outside of the ‘system’ – so not about process or method but about values – he says there are 5 skills

Skill 1 Shift Gravity
Transcendent leaders don’t insist on their own desires – they shift desire to the Goals

Skill 2 The Speed of Truth
The health of an organisation is directly proportional to the speed at which truth travels within it. Confront truth courageously, communicate effectively, act quickly. People respond to honesty.

Skill 3 Discernment
When we pursue one thing we inevitably don’t pursue other things – Discernment means to distinguish – where there are two paths decide which is the best way forward – you can only go down one path. Avoid uncertainty.

Skill 4 Sit Quietly in a Room
Rest Step back – solitary confinement is necessary for the human being. In silence is where we learn the truth about what we want and who we are Reflection. Blaise Pascal “all of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone”

Skill 5 Filter Feedback
Don’t obsess over short term feedback- it’s not that it’s not important just that you shouldn’t get obsessed over it – long term goals and strategy is also important


Leaders should get away from the habit of providing solutions, and devolve this responsibility to the “collective intelligence of all employees” The Work of Leadership – Ronald A. Heifetz and Donald L. Laurie


Chip and Dan Heath (Switch 2010)

What looks like resistance is often lack of clarity.

What looks like laziness is often exhaustion

What looks like a people problem is often a situation problem.


The best leaders capitalise on what is unique about them as individuals – what is unique about you that enhances your leadership?